یک مامور اطلاعاتی آرژانتینی به یک جامعه یهودی نفوذ می کند. او قصد دارد اطلاعاتی را جمع آوری کند که گفته می شود برای انجام دو مورد از بدترین حملات تروریستی در تاریخ آمریکای لاتین که بیش از 100 کشته برجای گذاشته، استفاده شده است.
یک افسر اطلاعات جوان باید گذشته اش را کنار بگذارد تا بتواند به جامعه یهودیان آرژانتین نفوذ کند و در مورد نقشه آندینیا گزارش دهد. بزودی او متوجه می شود که در آب هایی شنا می کند که از آنچه تصور می کرد عمیق تر هستند.
Time is of the essence, and even though Yosi is making great progress, he still can’t get any specific information on the Andinia Plan. Claudia demands results, and Yosi comes up with a bold idea that could make him a hero.
While he deals with Jonás kidnapping, in the past Yosi consolidates his relationship with Dafne, who is the key to getting closer to the mysterious Saúl. His father-in-law offers him a job that will send him on a dangerous trip.
شلوار جین
Yosi learns the rules of this new world he’s trapped in the hard way. It's a mined field of evidence and characters with hidden agendas. After passing the initiation test, Yosi gets a new job outside the law. When he thinks things will get easier, th
Fighting between life and death, Yosi goes to Saúl, who agrees to help him repay him a debt he owed on the first trip they made together. In that trip, Yosi makes some surprising discoveries about his father-in-law’s business, and a dramatic event dr
خانه عروسکی
After Jonás' rescue, Yosi puts some distance between him and his pursuers. Meanwhile, in the past, he gets too close to some Menajem family members, the demanding Saúl, and the unstable Dafne. A word mentioned without thought can put Yosi’s plan of b
As a fugitive, Yosi goes back to his town and reconnects with his stepfather, without realizing the danger he’s exposing him to. In the past, Yosi tries to stay in control and keep his emotions at bay. But nothing can prepare him to what’s about to h
ابله کارآمد
Yosi realizes he must move quickly if he wants to avoid being the scapegoat. But as he remembers the events during his time as a spy, the puzzle pieces start to fit, and reveal a devastating truth.