سال ۱۸۹۹ یک کشتی بخار حاوی مهاجران، از لندن حرکت میکند و قاره اروپا را ترک میکند تا به سوی غرب و شهر نیویورک برود. مسافران که از تبارهای مختلف اروپایی هستند با امیدها و آرزوهایشان برای قرنی تازه و آیندهای نو در قارهای جدید گرد هم آمدهاند؛ اما سفر آنها وقتی به شکل غیرمنتظرهای دگرگون میشود که
قسمت اول
Maura helps a pregnant woman. The captain makes a brave decision after receiving a message from a lost ship — and discovers something mind-bending.
قسمت دوم
The captain experiences unexplainable flashbacks. A strange man follows Maura to her cabin where a boy is hiding. A bug leads to a tragedy on deck.
قسمت سوم
A girl and other passengers suffer a terrible fate. Olek frees Ling Yi from a box. The captain makes a discovery that challenges his trust in Maura.
قسمت چهارم
Several crew members and passengers search the ship for the boy after locking up the captain, Olek, Jérôme and Ramiro. Krester’s secret is revealed.
قسمت پنجم
Maura has terrible flashbacks and makes a shocking move. A sound leads some passengers to jump overboard. Maura makes a discovery about her father.
قسمت ششم
Tove has scary flashbacks and wants to kill the boy. Daniel follows Maura and the captain into a strange place. Maura’s father appears with a message.
قسمت هفتم
Daniel asks Maura for something she doesn’t understand. Olek and Ling Yi steer the ship before a tragedy occurs. Elliot’s identity comes to light.
قسمت هشتم
Maura tells the passengers an unbelievable truth. Then, their memories shift and Daniel changes a code. Maura faces an unexpected reality.