مردی جوان به نام آپولو است که عاشق زنی به نام اِما شده و با او ازدواج میکند. اما زمانی که آپولو وارد مرحله جدیدی از زندگی خود به عنوان یک پدر میشود، همسرش علائم افسردگی پس از زایمان را نشان میدهد، ولی به زودی مشخص میشود که مشکلات او بسیار فراتر از چیزی است که به نظر میرسد و…
اول با عشق شروع میشود
A bookseller from Queens meets a librarian from Virginia. They fall in love, marry, have a baby—and trigger an unimaginable series of events.
بعد کودکی در کالسکه می آید
The exhaustion of new parenthood is taking its toll on Emma and Apollo. To make matters worse, Emma starts getting strange texts.
Emma does the unthinkable. Apollo tries to find meaning in the aftermath—and finally decides what to do with his valuable book.
Apollo and Patrice make a sale to William Wheeler, who later gives Apollo stunning news.
کار این زن
The mysterious washerwoman’s ominous words leave a lasting impression. Apollo comes face-to-face with his true enemy.
Emma finds Cal and the Wise Ones on North Brother Island, where she pieces together clues to locate a special place.
هوای طوفانی
Lillian reckons with a dark night from her past and records a message for her son, Apollo.
نبرد جزیره
Kinder Garten’s fury rips across the island, sending Cal, Apollo, and the others out into the darkness.